Monday, December 31, 2007

Slowly but surely

My fall semester flew by. Once again my students in Literacy Learning as Social Practice knocked my socks off. I get so inspired by working with them. I always learn something new.

My main work has been to get the Virtual Children's Zone project going. Slowly but's taking shape. We (Nancy, Kevin, and I) are working with amazing faculty at RIT on putting this together. I never could have imagined how great this idea could become. Immersive virtual environments where we are inside the computer, surrounded by interactive digital space!!! And it's portable! And we can replicate the Children's Zone in virtual space, work with community residents in design charrette's and redesign the zone!! Shared construction of plausible futures!! I can't believe it myself. Finding the money is a different story, but we're working away on a bunch of grants. I'm going to do this no matter what.