Sunday, April 17, 2011


Well...I'm finally exhaling after AERA. I am really proud of how well the conference went. Kris and I have had a ton of positive comments, some people even saying it was the best AERA ever. Sonia Nieto told me her students said they were leaving the conference with hope. Cool. Videos of key Presidential sessions will be available on the AERA website soon. Good thing because a lot of people missed sessions because they were full. And Kris wants to put together an edited volume based on all the Presidentials.

I am inspired to continue the work I have been doing, especially with George Moses and the NEAD Freedom School corner store project. I have two books working their way through; one that will argue we have to start over with schools - no more tinkering, and one on the community ethnography Nancy, Kevin and I did. Our first articles from the ethnography will be coming out in a special issue of Anthropology and Education Quarterly very shortly. We still have so much data to analyze and write about! Plus we owe the community a book. Good news is that I have two publishers wanting a prospectus on both books. Problems of abundance.

Simple check in today. On to writing...what a joy.