Saturday, December 20, 2008


Two conferences and a huge snowfall later...

Just sitting and wondering a bit about what's in store next year. My fall literacy class went really well and I learned a ton from my students once again. Keeping up with how much and how fast literacy is changing is keeping me breathless. I need to rethink my assignments yet again. Of the five groups who were doing research, only 1 turned in an actual paper. Between wikis and webpages the students really went to town. They definitely got the idea of exploring the affordances and constraints of communication technologies. I wish I could have Underkoffler's collaborative space to use for my class!

With Obama's priority on innovative technologies, maybe we'll see some of what we know about complex, collaborative technologies getting more attention in research and practice. I would love an opportunity to get the virtual project up and running to get some insight into what interaction looks like in immersive environments. We need to get busy doing this work instead of imagining it. Waiting and seeing is an unproductive and uninspired strategy.

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