- Power
- Agency
- Shared purposes with social justice ends
- Fluid identities and learning trajectories
- Heterarchy
- Equipotentiality
- Sustainability
- Cosmopolitanism – everyday (local) and intercultural (global) identities
- Spaces for ideological becoming
- Spatialized practice
- Innovation
- Knowledge produsage
And, again following Shirky, if we celebrate what we value, what do we celebrate in schools? With the deficit model running rampant, especially in urban schools, and with high-stakes testing, it seems we don't celebrate much. On the ground in classrooms there are everyday celebrations of the creation and sharing of human generosity, but that celebration stops at the classroom door and has to be done subversively. We have allowed external forces - non-educators - to break the culture in the name of accountability (neoliberal agenda). Accountable to who? Why? Whose purposes are being served by this reductionist focus? Is the social contract of school irrevocably broken?