Saturday, August 11, 2007

Life takes a turn

Trying to get connected again after dealing with a family crisis. This one took (is taking) a toll on my spirit. It's been hard to get back out.

It makes me feel more strongly about working for change though so I feel even more resolved to think about literacy practices from a more activist perspective. I know I sound like a broken record but the inequities we seem to tolerate are just no longer acceptable. Like people say, it's not enough to talk about resistance, you actually have to resist. I take inspiration from a young local slam poet I have gotten to know. He writes and performs beautifully about what we need to do to change what he and his peers are forced to live with.

There is a lot of good work going on but it seems disconnected. The Rochester Children's Zone is one good thing for sure. I've gotten to know a bit about youth work that has potential. The politics of food group in Rochester does amazing work. Most of this is outside of education though. How can we link these together and get at issues of literacy and schooling in productive and transformative ways?

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