Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Defining literacy as a class

Here is my summer 2013 literacy class's definition of literacy:
Literacy is:

·      Reading for information, pleasure, and understanding; comprehension
·      Communication; making, sending and receiving messages through multimodal means
·      Interpreting messages; means of understanding the world and reflecting
·      A collaborative way of meaning making
·      Symbolism – conveying meaning
·      Human made to make our life easier
·      Cultural, social, historical, digital, political tool for mediating meaning making
·      Language and interaction based
·      Facilitates organization (instructions, lists)
·      Liberating/oppressive (based on place)
·      Reflects traits of the individual
·      Power
·      Context dependent
·      Related to audience/purpose
·      Collaboratively constructed

What do you think? What, if anything would you change?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It might be interesting to compare the definition of "Literacy" which we did in the fall semester, and the summer class did.
Back to the literacy. I am wondering, TV drama and comedies are definitely kind of literacy. But why the majority of my thinking and exploring come from books, printed stuff. why my mind doesn't work when I watch some TV shows? Or, I failed to choose inspiring ones? If the kind of literacy doesn't inspire people, does that mean it is not good? what is the function of literacy? Does literacy have function or not? I think so. some for entertainment, some for education.